All2gether Safe
reflects The Salvation Army's standards and procedures for the safety, care and protection of The Salvation Army Caribbean Territories Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adults.
For further Information please contact:
Territorial Social Secretary
The Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters
P.O. Box 378
Kingston 10 Jamaica WI
Phone: (876) 929 6190, 6180598
FAX (876) 929 7560
Email Us
SAFE: Safe is defined as: Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost:
Being in a Safe Place is important! The church should an example of this in portraying the acts of the love and compassion that Jesus Christ showed and gave to all people through those who serve him therein.
In this day and age which we live, the churches protection has been exploited by some individuals to bring harm and abuse to innocent victims: children, youth and adults alike.
Therefore, The Salvation Army Caribbean Territory is committed to upholding the Christian standards in the care, nurture and protection of all children, youth & vulnerable adults. We are committed to providing a safe and protective environment for children, youth and vulnerable adults who come within our sphere of ministries.
The Salvation Army Caribbean Territory will take strong and definite action if there is ever any suspicion of abuse to any child, youth or vulnerable adults.